Yes, but on the other hand… Trump has lifted that veil of American Democracy and put its extremist capitalism in full view. Many are shocked at how corrupt it is (everyone but that 40% that still supports Trump). Now the other 60% will try to put that veil back where it was by electing that visionary, groundbreaking Biden, to get life back to normal. A life where people can fool themselves to believe they live in the Greatest Country on earth. Namely one of the very few countries where life-expectancy is diminishing, where overall health is deteriorating, where real income has gone backwards and where education is deteriorating, just to name a few.
But it’s a good strategy: Americans keep believing that they are happy and no-one with an ounce of wisdom wants to move there. No walls needed and the money saved can be spent on buying Chinese technology and weapons, so Americans can keep trying to export their brand of happiness to a world that has moved on.👌