The election of the big baby for President could have been dismissed as a one-time aberration in an immature, bi-polar, democracy if voters corrected the situation at the first available occasion.
After enduring more than 3 years of the twat’s tweet tantrums, half the country votes again for him and his histrionics. It shows the country itself is a self-obsessed, spiteful 2-year old doubling-down on its mistake.
It was spared such soul-crushing fate thanks to the Twat-In-Chief being outvoted by the smallest of margins (my wishful prediction) in favour of a drooling gran-dad affectionally known as ‘Sleepy Joe’ who shouldn’t have been allowed to stand in the shade of his former dunking dude boss.
Sleepy Joe with a Republican Senate, a great recipe to rebuild America…yeah right.
Now who’s gonna tell ‘Diapered Donny’ that he lost from ‘Sleepy Joe’?