Unfortunately almost everyone in a cult, sees reality as: an attack on The Truth.
In order to deal with the imperfect, and often brutally unjust, reality, people must be equipped with critical thinking skills, but those skills have been phased out of the education system. That leaves a willing flock of frustrated people to support their Saviour who throws them cheap words which they eat up like starved sheep being promised green pastures. The Leader's words can be incoherent, inconsistent, infantile, even flagerantly against their own interests and against the well-being of their loved-ones. Their Leader can indeed kill someone on 5th av. in broad daylight... it only strengthens the resolve of his flock to kill and die for their wolf-leader.
The Wolf is the Leader of the sheep, and everyone who says differently must be killed or 're-programmed'. Chalmers is just a small radar in the Russian machinery that is assisting the American powerful authoritarians to use the masses to do away with such a difficult thing as 'democracy'. And guess what? Once you've done away with democracy you not only control all the people and all the money, but you control with an iron fist for ages to come. View China and Russia.
There's a reason why the elite prefers authoritarianism. And the fact that the previous administration consisted of only multi-millionaires and billionaires who were 'fighting for the workers against the elite' and their flock was prepared to kill police and law-makers and to overthrow the democratic foundation of the USA in the name of Patriotism and Law and Order has shown that the flock is ready.
It took Hitler only a small minority to take over the german democracy, and we have learned from the Leader that "Hitler did some good things". And his flock adores him. Reason must be killed or 'reprogrammed' and the little sycophants like Chalmers are happy to contribute with their poorly argued cases, as poor arguments are easier 'understood' by the flock that has put its faith in the elite consisting of billionaire grifters.