Trump: "It's a war against an invisible enemy!"
Reporter: "What is our war strategy?"
Trump: "You remember I paraded the CEO's of Big Pharma for the fake media?"
Reporter: "Yes, as if they were the Marvel Super Heroes that were going to save America?"
Trump: "Exactly! Well thanks to their boss, Super Super Hero MeMyselfAndI, they delivered vaccines! Now our strategy is that maybe you shouldn't take those vaccines"
Reporter: "But why?"
Trump: "Duh! because well chloroquine, ivermectin, urine and individual freedom!"
Reporter: "So what is our strategy in this war?"
Trump: "My base is a bunch of armed fanatics, who, like MeMyselfAndI, are all for everyone Rambo-ing through life. That's the real America!"
Reporter: "So our national strategy in this war is: everyone to fight for what they personally believe?"
Trump: "You got it! America never has had a President who believed more in personal freedom than the 45th President of the US!"
Reporter: "Is that your strategy for war? Everyone check how they feel about it and act accordingly?"
Trump: "That's right. And those that do not act like me are traitors of America!"
Reporter: "You still produce the MAGA and 'Let's Go Brandon' products in China, sir?"
Interview terminated.