Mitch Inoz
3 min readJul 22, 2020

Trump: “I wish her well.”

To Ghislaine Maxwell, charged with the crimes of enticement of minors and sex trafficking of children. Tuesday 21 July, WH Press Conference.

Trump, the President of the US, met Ghislaine Maxwell, “numerous times” (photo: Wikipedia)

Why? Why would the President, or anyone, wish well to a person charged with aiding and abetting the pedophile-ring run by Jeffrey Epstein? (see: charges)

Ms Maxwell is innocent until proven guilty, so there is nothing to wish except for justice to be served. If found ‘guilty’ she gets the punishment according to the law and if ‘not guilty’ she goes free. In the case of ‘not guilty’, it might make sense to wish her well, because she would have gone through a difficult process and her reputation will be forever stained.

Why wish her well before you know whether Maxwell has knowingly or neglectfully recruited underage children for abuse by Epstein’s rich and famous friends?

You wish her well if you don’t care if she is guilty or not. You wish her well if you ignore the plight of the underage victims.

What does it mean to wish her well if she turns out to be guilty? That Trump had hoped that she would have gotten away with it?

Trump had more to say:

“I’ve met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach, but I wish her well, whatever it is”

WHAT? “I met her numerous times.”? He voluntarily connects himself to a convicted pedophile ring-leader and the woman charged with recruiting under-aged girls! You wouldn’t even admit to that if someone showed you footage of these numerous meetings! “No, not me! Fake news! That video is doctored. I don’t know this woman. I did not have sex with that ….”. Anything but admitting, that you knew that woman. Not our Don. He brags about meeting her “numerous times”.

Where is the need to brag about how well you know a person who might be responsible for one of the most heinous crimes humans can commit?

Since you brought it up: How many times Mr. President? What did you discuss? Where did you meet? Any other ‘guests’ at those meetings? What age were they?

“I lived in Palm Beach. I guess they lived in Palm Beach”

Seriously? They met ‘numerous times’ and he never asked “Hey, Jeffy, mate, Ghislaine, where are you from? You live here? You from da ‘hood?” No, the Don meets a couple ‘numerous times’ in Palm Beach, but he’s kept in the dark about where they live. He is still guessing today that they lived in Palm Beach. Sure Donnie.

Then there is the “I wish her well, whatever it is”.

That’s not even English is it? We can imagine a 12-year old saying: “Okayyyyyy, I wish her well, whateverrrrrrrrrr”, but what does it mean when the President says, about a woman charged with running a pedophile business, “I wish her well, whatever it is”? Brings back memories of this other US President: “that depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.”. But what’s the definition of ‘it’ and ‘is’ in this context? Is it Trumpian, a language devoid of any meaning, or is it something more sinister?

One starts to wonder. “I wish her well, whatever it is ”. That wouldn’t be code for “don’t name names and there’s a PP (Presidential Pardon or else …) in it for you Ghislaine.”?

Is Trump actually saying: “You see how I get away with things? My aide, Roger ‘dirty-trickster-Stone’, charged and convicted for lying to Congress, tampering with witnesses and obstructing a House Intelligence Committee investigation. Convicted by a Court (The Guardian). Haha! I just PP’d on him and he’s a free man! He didn’t name any names.”

Should we expect the President’s pardon in case Ms Maxwell is found guilty AND has not revealed the names of any powerful Trump backers as clients of hers? Could we also expect some of Maxwell’s Democrat clients to start hurting Biden’s bid for the Presidency?

Mitch Inoz
Mitch Inoz

Written by Mitch Inoz

IT-, biotech-, fintech survivor, fan of: languages, critical thinking, golf, tennis, Cruyff and is now an omil (Old Man In Lycra)

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