This is what the Elite achieved when they thought: "Let’s see how far we can get this country to become a Dictatorship by and for the Elite." and they funded Trump and the GOP.
After Trump (remember the blinded vans with unidentified militia picking up BLM protesters? remember Trump: "bash them up and I will pay the bills" and "march to the Capitol and fight or you may not have a country anymore", etc.) voters will take the Dems' milder reduction of freedoms as the bitter pill they have to take up the ass in order to avoid full-on Corporate Fascism.
The Elite’s dry-run with their puppet Trump caricature out of a Batman movie, has shown that it is quite easy to do.
Even with a dumb, super-greedy, impatient, caricature of a big nasty baby as their front.
But because he is greedier, dumber and more impatient than the Elite, they won’t have him in charge no more.
It became clear to the Elite that Big Babies cannot be trusted. He might blackmail or rob them too. He might accidentally start an unprofitable war. He might be against the multi-billion dollar, tax-payer funded Covid vaccines which he also claims as one of his biggest achievements.
They will do it again. Why not?
This game never costs them a dime. Whichever candidate wins, it’s their candidate. Next time they will use a competent puppet, though. But hey what a big laugh this was. All the way to the bank.
In the mean time they fund Democrats to implement their agenda in a less obvious way.
The Democrats, also known as the ones with the on-the-surface-we-do-the-right-thing-mask and as the Party that is-able-to-string-together-multiple-sentences-into-cogent-arguments, is simply another front, for the same Elite.
The Elite is the only source of political funding in America. It is also the only source of funding for special interest groups (government-lobbying).
In all of history the Elite has always made the big calls. Why would now be any different?
Especially in America where the whole democratic election system is set-up in such a way, that only the Elite can determine who the 2 Presidential candidates are.
Only in America.