There’s a possibility that Omicron with its incredibly fast expansion and, possibly, low danger level, will overtake the dangerous variants forever, leaving us with an endemic, mild, covid variant for which we will be immune most of the time, and when not, it won’t harm as much.
I am not saying that this is what’s going to happen, but from the data that I have seen so far, it appears to be a possibility. If we vaccinate, keep distance and are masked, we may get through winter and who knows, this summer we might be ok.
If this happens to be the case, then we can be sure that humanity won’t have learned anything and will assume that it wasn’t that bad, and that we were always in control. And then the next virus will hit us.
Our continuous disregard for the balance of nature is there for everyone to see except for those blinded by greed, power and hubris. And that would be most of us.