The weakness of Democracy is that those voters who are without understanding that many issues are complex and not easy to solve, will only vote for what sounds right to them. These voters are addressed by the Republican party: "just tell them what they want to hear". And so the elite, represented by the Republican party gets what they want and it will take ages before their voters recognise that they have been duped. If they ever do. On the other hand, the elite behind the Democratic party, has chosen the slow way of education, argumentation, logic, steady as she goes, that in the real world also encompasses dealing with setbacks and often only slow and imperceptible progress. In other words the Democrats chose the hard way. The Republicans can simply say: "get rid of the Constituion" and "MACA - Make Abortion a Crime Again", and their grass root voters will chant "USA! USA!". Just like we can't say: "Well a serial killer is a psychopath, so it's not his fault and we shouldn't punish him", we shouldn't say: "They use violence if they don't like the political outcome, but that is their freedom of expression" and thus we make a criminal who doesn't respect the Consitution nor the rule of Law, untouchable and we show that rules are there just for the dumb masses. The dumb masses are the Democrats who congratulate their oponent who calls them 'Communists, Fascists and the Enemy within against whom he will use the army'. The Democrats response? "Congratulations mr. President, you have won and please throw out the constitution, and us in prison".