Mitch Inoz
2 min readNov 6, 2020


The US continue to feed all types of evangelism: patriotism, exceptionalisn, individualism, corporatisms, law and order-ism and religion. What about Trump and his Bible photo-shoot after gasing peaceful protesters? Half the population agrees with such action. Trump knows that people who believe don’t need evidence. People who believe in shepherd stories about a great Dad in the sky. A dad who knows everything that ever was and ever will be, but still requires mental emails in the form of human prayers so he can adapt his strategies, re. his distribution of AIDS to babies, or where to let hurricanes ravage American families, Covid, etc. These believers will believe anything coming from someone they view as an authority. What President, King or Dictator doesn’t want voters like that?

Enter Biden: “God bless America and God bless our troops.” Thx Biden, very original, certainly no platitude. You are making a difference already.

Facts and Reason are not in the interest of those in power, and the US still has half of the population firmly rooted in beliefs and wishful thinking. Support the rich and powerful and you will become rich and powerful, that’s the American Dream. Any deviation from this and it’s socialism. Socialism is invented by the devil. Socialism such as in banana democracies like Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Germany and Australia where healthcare, education, a roof above your head and a basic income are human rights. Fortunately Americans prefer Freedom, the Freedom to not have healthcare, education and basic income, but instead, like Umair points out, to have the freedom to carry assault rifles and to spread the virus to family, friends, teachers and medical staff. To top it off: a little bit of freedom to insult everyone in the medical profession by saying on national television that they distort medical data for money. Classy.

Half the nation is deluded or rich and powerful, the only reasons to vote Republican. But Biden will surf that same old same old wave to serve the powers that be whilst spouting appeasing platitudes about troops and religion to the masses. Sure, the Democrats are less violent, less in your face, less hurtful, but still serving the same masters: the rich and powerful and themselves. Democrats truly are Republican-light: “We f*#k you over, but we don’t tell you”. There’s a big difference with Republicans’ “We f*#k you before your very eyes and you cheer us on.”

Biden, or if God calls you, Mrs Harris, do just one thing: instill critical thinking at the core of all educational curriculae, and America will be great within 20 years.

God will finally die. The People will finally be free.



Mitch Inoz
Mitch Inoz

Written by Mitch Inoz

IT-, biotech-, fintech survivor, fan of: languages, critical thinking, golf, tennis, Cruyff and is now an omil (Old Man In Lycra)

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