The politicians who take up this non-issue are not interested in Black History (nor any other history). They need to create issues that somehow galvanize their constituents. Their costituents, typically, are people who feel victimized and entitled. Ok, so they did pick up on some history, namely, pointing the finger to a group that they can blame for their victimhood. In this case it's 2 groups: on the one hand Democrats who favor the spreading of the enlightenment (if you are asked to pay attention to another viewpoint than your own than that's 'radical leftwing woke authoritarianism') AND, on the other hand, Black people, because, well, they don't look like the typical white Christian flag toting conservative. Let's face it: what could children possibly learn from the perspectives of say native American history, black history of America, the struggles and achievements of people with different sexual identity? How would that possibly enrich the perspectives of children? Let's make sure that they don't get any different perspectives!