The only issue I have, is with the last sentence: “America, this must not be allowed to happen”.
These are just words. Who must do what and when to prevent this from happening?
So far the President’s words are put into practice, his “I have absolute authority” is the cause of the US not having a recognized President-elect, no transition, chaos at the top of key institutions, as well as a pandemic that’s out of control, or as the President says: “Is turning the corner” and “Don’t worry about it, don’t let it control you”.
The President has been giving signals to rise up against fraudulent elections and his supporters believe him when he says that the only way is by fraude.
What are we doing if Trump calls for a revolt, causes mayhem, then sends in the army and calls a state of emergency?
He doesn’t appear to have many other options left and he will go to extremes to win. Letting Covid go rampant and people getting sick and dying is just an ingredient for his next step: declaring a state of emergency due to fraud and Covid hoax.
Should the US prepare for the second civil war?