Mitch Inoz
4 min readNov 14, 2024

The #1 Biden Accomplishment No-one Is Talking About

Remember what happened at the end of the Trump administration? That’s right: the election was stolen.

It wasn’t that Trump let it happen. It was that the Democrat Globalists were very, very good at organising the election fraud.

The steal was so egregious that the sitting President refused to concede and had to command his supporters (these include upstanding well-respected civilian groups like Proud Boys and Oath Keepers) to “fight like hell” if Pence would, against the Comander’s direct orders, open the certificates of the electoral votes and count them in line with the Constition’s 12th Amendment.

After Penn’s audaciousness of following the Constitution the true patriot’s (such as Proud Boys and Oath Keepers) attacked the Capitol but failed to take over the seat of American Democracy. Trump and his administration then tried to rescue the nation by filing 63 Court cases.

And this showed the next national problem. All but one of these Court cases were thrown out of court because of a lack of evidence, errors in evidence provided and errors in the application of the law. In other words: the law was weaponised by the Democrats

So the Jesus loving, patriotic still sitting (if not golfing) president of the US asked the Pillow Guy and a cyber-expert company so specialised in cybersecurity that no-one had ever heard of them (Cyber-ninja’s) to start a process of finding massive fraud in those states that Trump lost by a small margin. And guess what? Mike Lindell, the Pillow Guy, and the Cyber-ninja’s came up with crushing evidence of the massive fraud that the Democrats were able to accomplish during the Trump adminstration.

But this then goes to the next problem. The results that Mike Lindell demonstrated in his 2021 Cyber Symposium, where he clearly demonstrated Chinese interference, and promised $5 million to anyone demonstrating he is wrong (promptly demonstrated by a man who went on to claim the prize…now disputed by Pillow Guy), were belittled by the Press. The Cyber-ninja’s had found overwhelming evidence of voter-fraud, but again the Democratic-controlled Press, failed to report on the massive fraud they uncovered. Fox News the Republican channel, the channel that tells you how it is, fair and balanced, was sued by Dominion, the provider of the voting machines, simply for reporting on the fact that these machines were constructed in such a way that with the simple flic of a switch all votes for Trump could be switched to Biden. They sued Fox for $1.5 billion and eventually Fox settled the lawsuit for $750 million.

This goes to show how the Law had been weaponised by the Democrats (during the Trump administration) and how the Media remained silent about the election fraud and that if there was one media outlet that reported fairly (and balanced) about this fraud they were almost sued into oblivion.

Trump was not able to use the military to overthrow this incredible achievement of the Democrats and let the true voice of the People prevail because during his presidency the democrats had not only weaponised the Law (it’s called ‘lawfare’ now), and they already had complete control over the Media and, yes, they had wokenised the military to be pro-trans and anti-male domination.

Trump left the office like a real man. Like a true patriot. Not trying to sell the American people (MAGA hats, NFT-cards with Super-Trump images, gold-plated footwear, Trump-bibles, Trump coins, $5,000 Mar-a-Lago meals with Trump and Nick Fuentes, etc…).

He knew he would be back. He is not the only billionaire who wants full control over the Law, Media and the Military. He has many billionaires on his side, and groups like Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as his private army to help them make it happen.

I don’t know who we have to thank more for this outstanding outcom Biden to let it happen or the incredible MAGA-republicans to make it happen during a Democratic presidency (and they did it fairly, whilst the Democrats created a fantastic election fraud aparatus under Trump but were unable to continue this under Biden, for which we must thank the outstanding character of tireless work of great people like Mike Lindell, Cyber-ninja’s, Fox News, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers).

Well done America!

And guess what?

The Republicans have been able to completely restore the integrity of the election-process under the Biden administration. Not a single vote had to be recounted.

So that was the greatest thing the Biden administration has done.

Biden was so incompetent that the Democrats lost all control over the Election manipulation, the House, the Senate, the Law (the Supreme Court is 6 MAGA against 3 useless Democrats now), the Media (no one watches CNN, NBC, ABC, NPR anymore, they are all watching/listening cigar Joe now…ok, and Fox News, because, after all they were heroes by reporting on Dominion) and the Military? Wokeness will be cleaned up and it will be run by true Men again.

Let’s not forget that all of this was achieved during the Biden administration!

Mitch Inoz
Mitch Inoz

Written by Mitch Inoz

IT-, biotech-, fintech survivor, fan of: languages, critical thinking, golf, tennis, Cruyff and is now an omil (Old Man In Lycra)

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