Still it's great that we can clearly see now that some 20% or so of americans are fanatically dumb, conspiracy foolish, nazi-loving, guns-over-education buttheads, evangelical self-righteous nitwits and that another 30% of americans go along with them because, well it's tradition!
GOP: Against reason, education and civilisation we stand!
A group of politicians thought: look if you just spout some trash in this camp, some will love you and the rest will just accept you simply because you dare to talk stoopid. All possible under the umbrella of the GOP.
Obviously it was always there, it's just more in the open. The white Christian dad of 4 with his 150K salary and his suburban home and his just above mid-range car and the little shopping car for the little bored wifey, dovetails with the Proud Boys in the GOP.
Mitt Romney and Proud Boys, nazis and conspiracy believers all holding hands in their belief that the GOP has the right vision for America.
"I do not agree with exterminating Jews you know, but it's a small portion of our party, and you know, free speech and so, and if they start killing Jews, then we should look into it, for instance what did these dead jews do to be killed,....."
The GOP caters to everything that is unreasonable. Their target audience is the easiest to reach, because they don't expect anything from them but nonsense