On this very same Medium a certain Lucien called “Putin supporters the new Jews”. Read that again. Yup, those who cheer-on a potentate who invades a democracy with overwhelming military force, who bombs cities, theaters and hospitals, these cheerleaders, like Trump, are the real victims. The attackers are the persecuted ones. They are being targeted and put on trains to camps and they are being gased. By liberals. By lefties. Those anti-American communists. Only anti-Americans are against Putin. Yup. Just in case you thought Putin was a piece of shit. Now you know. He’s the real victim. Not the Ukrainians in hospitals and theaters being bombed in their own country. Putin who sends the planes to bomb these people is a true hero. He is a victim of the American Left and he is standing up for Truth and Freedom. He just has to close-down newspapers, tv-stations and the internet.
Yeah, that! Or maybe he is a f*%ckwit who loved working for that bastion of Freedom the KGB and who wants to recreate the great russian empire after judging that his pupil Trump had created enough division in the US, NATO and the West at large, for a pretty safe attack on Ukraine.
The internet gave stupidity a voice (epithomized by Trump on Twitter). The victims coalesced behind the voice of stupidity. These ‘victims’ feel so righteous about their stupidity that they are prepared to kill for it. It Is Stupidity squared: IS*IS.