Mitch Inoz
2 min readAug 21, 2020


ok Richard, well argued, but there are some flaws in your argument, imo.

Firstly, under Trump we have experienced the use of federal para-military interventions in States without the consent of those State Administrations. So here Federal government knows best? Trample on people’s rights and on their local representatived? These Federal para-military troops were ordered to pick-up people without other cause than voicing their right to protest. So the Federal government can trample on the Constitution twice (the right to protest and the right to judicial process).

The President calls BLM a ‘mob’ and ‘anti-America’. This reminds me of the times that Freedom Fighters were depicted as a mob, but not the whites who put a bomb on their bus and were waiting for them with their baseball bats.

Easy: ‘Black’ and ‘mob’ in a short claim. That appeals to white-clan oriented people.

MAGA might indeed refer to those ‘Great’ times of segregation and calling people ‘mobs’ if they voice an opinion that is different from the white establishment narrative.

A country is great, if leaders listen and use empathetic and rational decision-making, not bevause it has a Constitution that allows for the Federal Goverment to bend it to which-ever way it sees fit.

Also, the argument that government cannot know better than ‘we the people’ is quite weak. The rich can pay for their medicine, so no reason for them to support broader healthcare. Would roads and schools be built if goverment didn’t implement a tax-regime to fund it? Collective benefits cannot be achieved if we leave everything to individuals who may be focused on self-interest first. But obviously, if you can make poor people believe that a narrow self-interest is going to make their lives better, than the rich will gladly pocket the difference thank you very much.

The pandemic has worked out very well for the rich under Trump. The Federal goverment handing out freely-printed 600$ to the poor is not going to make them rich. The billions of tax-money handed out to Corporations to do as they see fit (buying stocks), makes tbeir shareholders and Sr Management very rich indeed.

So yes, Trump is making America great again, for the rich.

He has also shown that it is possible to get the support of the people hit hardest by his policies. They don’t realise it because they are too distracted by Deep State, pedophile-networks, home-based terrorist organisations, figuring out how to shine UV-light in their body to fight against an invisible Chinese virus which is a Democratic hoax, and the Evil of those radical Democrats (if you are Democrat, you are radical).

Instead of ‘Great’ maybe try ‘just ok’ first. That looks difficult enough for the time being.



Mitch Inoz
Mitch Inoz

Written by Mitch Inoz

IT-, biotech-, fintech survivor, fan of: languages, critical thinking, golf, tennis, Cruyff and is now an omil (Old Man In Lycra)

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