Ok, let me see if I get this right. Trump-eteers want us to fight:
queers, trans, blacks, mexicans and other hispanics (except those in Florida who vote for anything that calls the other side ‘socialist’), chinese. Do I miss Russians?
And these Trump-eteers favor:
grabbing women by the pussy, making fun of people with disabilities, confederates who were at war with the United States, great people among the neo-nazis and Proud Boys, and they favour the word of Putin above America’s own intelligence forces.
And then there’s the politicians who see an easy vote amongst this deplorable scum of America, that considers itself the only righteous ones. They serve the rich 0.01% well as cannon fodder.
Ah well, it went ok for a while, but, although we may think that that little period of relative peace in the West was normal, the future will show that this period was anything but normal.