Mr. Biden, yes you are free to write an opinion piece describing what the President should and shouldn’t do. Just like I could write a piece about why the President should implement single-payer healthcare and a basic income for all. As if the President cares. Trump doesn’t care about your opinion. You don’t care about mine.
The problem is that in the American ‘democratic’ 2-party system the President has too much liberty to do as he(!) pleases. This problem is exarcebated when House and Senate are ‘owned’ by the President’s loyalists (fortunately that’s not the case today) and when the President can install loyalist supporters in the Judiciary. In the mean time, the 2-party system remains easily controlled by the American super-rich, who often contribute through their various organisations to both parties, in exchange for favourable policies. No matter a Democrat or Republican Presidency: they win.
Mr. Biden you are a product of this system and you believe in this system. As the system is unfair to the American people and favorably biased towards the establishment, you are not a friend of the American people.
Unlike Trump, you support the science on Covid19, but that doesn’t make you the best candidate for the Presidency, just a less crazy one. Your ‘being reasonable’ also makes you more easy to control by the establishment.
The powers that run the 2-party laughing stock that Americans call ‘democracy’ has reached its objective: after 3.5 years of semi-fascist red-neck idiocy, the American people will perceive a right-wing, elite-supporting so-called ‘moderate’ as a relief.
American democracy, based on 2 parties, is just 1-party more democratic than China’s and North-Korea’s 1-party democracies.
Trump, the crazy President with his cult-follwing and you, mr. Biden, the apparently reasonable alternative.
When on the one hand you have a family of raging narcissistic psychopaths any alterantive on the other, looks reasonable.
We have learned 2 things about American democracy in the past 3.5 years:
1. about 50% of Americans support a lunatic, psychopathic racist who would shoot at his people for a photo-op and who proclaims to know more than all science.
2. America’s democratic system has no in-built defences against a crazy President who is willing to sacrifice the American people to satisfy his own ego.
America is a sorry state and Russia and China are ready to exploit its weaknesses.
China and Russia prefer Trump to Biden only because America deteriorates faster under Trump. But Biden will do just fine. All that’s required is a bit more patience as America’s individualistic focus on consumerism further hollows-out the poor semblency of its democracy to the benefit of the rich establishment.
Let’s-get-back-to-support-the-establishment-in-a-more-moderate-manner-a-bit-like-before-Trump-Biden, is certainly not the answer that America needs. The ascendency of Trump and the way he brushes democratic institutions to the side shows that America needs a complete rethink and rebuild of America’s democratic system.
Afraid to be cooked alive under Trump, Americans will choose Biden.
Like frogs in slowly heating water they will only realize that they were still being boiled when it’s too late.