Maybe we cannot force them, but we could make their lives very difficult: You cannot enter the supermarket if unvaccinated, you cannot go to a restaurant or bar, no stadium visits, no entry to the work-place, no healthcare insurance,...
The reason to go for this solution is that the unvaccinated put the vaccinated at risk. If a vaccinated person gets regularly in contact with infected people, of which there will be many as long as there are many unvaccinated, their chances of becoming a carrier, infected, possibly sick and even dying is increased. More importantly, the chances of a vaccine-resistant variation becomes just a question of time as the unvaccinated keep spreading the virus amongst themselves AND the vaccinated. People should be free to get sick and die if they choose to, but giving up healthcare spots for those who consciously decide against taking precautions?
I had a friend who’s cancer-treatment was stopped because of the pressure the Covid-outbreak put on hospitals.
If that bed, doctor and nurse could not take care of him today because they were occupied by an anti-vaxxer with Covid, I’d get rather upset, because he didn’t opt-in to lung-cancer. To the contrary: he lived stayed away from cancer-risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and meat and was an active man who loved being in nature. He deserves the care. The healhcare system is there for people like him. But that’s not how it works.
If 10 anti-vaxxer are wheeled into the hospital with Covid, his treatment will be post-poned. And it will be post-poned until there are no more anti -vaxxers being wheeled-in.
It would make more sense that if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated we should respect their choice to get sick and die but do so without burdening the system that is developed for people who want to live and be healthy.
Let the life, sickness and death of the unvaccinated be that of a pariah.
Do we, the vaccinated, want to continue to live in a society full of restrictions imposed on us by the unvaccinated?
We must minimize the chances of them infecting us. Of them contributing to the evolution of vaccine- resistant variations. Of them crashing our healthcare system by occupying beds, doctors, nurses and equipment that are better used for people who take personal and social responsibility. Of them forcing us to live a life with masks, vaccine-passports, health-checks, travel restrictions, etc.
As long as the unvaccinated roam freely amongst us, so does the virus and things could get worse.
And yes, it would be unethical to keep vaccines in storage in hope that anti-vaxers might change their minds. People who want the vaccines should get them, wherever they are, because the virus still doesn’t care about borders. But we can care about who gets it.
Deniers can get the left-overs and in the mean time they cannot participate in the society of the vaccinated.
Free choice means that we respect the choices of the ill-informed and those of people with impaired reasoning. But just like the lazy athlete and the physically limited will not get an athlete scholarship, there are consequences for those who refuse the vaccine.
And may they extrrminate themselves, and unwittingly make their Bill Gates conspiracy theory come true. That is the one where he wants to bring back the total number of people on earth. Not the one with the micro-chips insertion through vaccines.