Maybe the problem is that the fundamental drivers of humans are still animal: power and control, not intelligence. Intelligence is used for power. We know that smoking is bad, yet in Holland, one of the richest nations, 20% smokes: the power of the tobacco industry. We know that plastic ruins the environment we live in, yet vegetables are now individually wrapped in plastic (EU ordinance?). Since the 1970’s Shell knows from its own research that the burning of fossil fuels causes climate change. Yet 50 years later, here we are. Brasil has one of the last natural environments left on earth, and everyone condemns Bolsonaro for burning it. Yet when he says, ok, help me save it, by contributing moneywise to its preservation, nobody picks up the phone. It will all change. The survivors will adapt. It costs more to clean up than any profits made. But it will be l future generations to carry the burden. For now: we will not give an inch of the power we acquired! The common good is for sissies and socialist do-gooders!
(using phrasing that fits that mentality)