Mitch Inoz
3 min readJul 19, 2020


It’s one thing not to know what’s happening, it’s another to dismiss it out of hand. Dismiss it right out of hand is exactly what Trump did when he should have learned from what had by then already happened in China and Italy. He thought he could simply wish it to stay outside of the US.

“I didn’t know”, is no excuse at the best of times. In this case it’s also not relevant, because he knew what was happening in China and Italy. He repeatedly fawned over President Xi and thanked him, in name of the American People(!), for his great transparency and his great actions to successfully contain the virus!

Again, if he didn’t know the extent of this transparency or containment, then why blatantly thank him in name of the American People?Thankful for something you don’t know apparently.

What then did Trump learn from China as to how to contain the virus? The virus wouldn’t cross the US border, after all America is building a wall, paid for by Mexico, but just in the extremely small chance that the virus would not respect US borders? Trump must surely have known what those great actions were that Xi undertook so successfully. He wouldn’t have thanked him, or would he? Out of ignorance? Then again only a great leader is also great when ignorant, I guess.

I doubt that many leaders congratulate Trump for how he contained the virus.

Today Americans are not allowed entry into most countries because the US is the global hearth of the pandemic. Because of Trump’s great leadership. Or else it wasn’t his fault because he didn’t know.

The US is the worst hit country in the world. The pandemic is going on longer and harder in the US than in any other country. Xi was able to contain the virus in China even without any data to provide guidance, but Trump was not able to replicate this in America, not even with the knowledge from China and Italy.

No other leader dissmissed Covid19 as a little flu…, certainly not Xi and Italy’s Conte, none of them said that it will disappear in March, or incited its people to use chloroquinine, drink bleach, shine UV inside their bodies, gather in closed rooms with many people, and to dismiss it when science finds that masks do reduce contamination.

No other leader has to deal with the virus going rampant amongst their people. Then again, neither is Trump. He can buy an island for himself and his family from the profits he has made by hosting national events in his hotels.

In the US it is now out of hand and Trump hopes that people won’t notice the dead and the sick and that after the likely decimation of its population the survivors will be self-congratulatory and leave it to the next administration to raise taxes in order to rebuild America.

Science is far from perfect, but it’s by far the best tool of knowledge and discovery. For those readers for whom science classes were too hard: science is a process of discovery.A scientific process can be researching the effects of mask-wearing in relation to a new virus. This takes time and cannot be easily replicated in lab-tests unless we want to experiment on healthy people, and fortunaly the scientific community has a code which prevents the use of dumb people who would like to volunteer for such tests because they assume the virus is innocuous. If evolution were the social patadigm we lived by, then such a code would not exist.

All countries except for the US and Brazil (how’s Bolso doing?) took action, in different ways, but based on available science. New Zealand the shining example.

The US thought they would conquer it with ignorance.

Sorry, not ignorance. I mean: magic (‘it will magically disappear’ — all these scientists were saying: Mr President how come you know so much), and chloroquinine, bleach, shining UV inside your body, mass indoor events, no masks even when now the scientific progress now indicates that it prevents the spread, etc.

It’s not the US displaying pathetic ignorance at the cost of its people. It’s he rest of the world, which has managed to control the virus, that is wrong.

He sure is the Best President Ever. Never makes a mistake. Everything he has said and done has been better than what anyone else did or could have done.

He has even got the whole American people united. And all other countries in the world are now looking at America as a shining example to lead the world. Especially in how to contain a pandemic.



Mitch Inoz
Mitch Inoz

Written by Mitch Inoz

IT-, biotech-, fintech survivor, fan of: languages, critical thinking, golf, tennis, Cruyff and is now an omil (Old Man In Lycra)

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