It is painful to read a commentary like "neither Harris nor Trump appear fit for the job", and "media on both sides are contrubting to this division" or words to that extent. One side lies, makes up new 'facts', imagines stories and presents them as if they are real, has been calling the other side consistently "communist, marxist, fascist" which doesn't even make sense, and "bad people", and "the enemy within against whom I will use the army", continues to claim "I won the election" but never shows evidence, "if we don't win it is because they will have stolen it again", "I will be a dictator for 1 day" (for those who do not understand: this means that in that day he can do away with the constitution, claim all powers and then install himself legally as the lifelong president just like his heroes Putin, Kim and Xi), etc. The other side wants infrastucture, a Congess border deal, lowering inflation by punishing price gauging, lowering basic medicin prices, have women decide about if and when to carry a pregnancy to term and not the States. How is it reasonable to even equate these 2 sides in any one sentence?