Isn't this about 2 systems: 1 system that attempts to either clarify or justify the universe from a given, God, and the other system one that continuously explores in order to develop a better understanding that leads to more powerful explanations.
The first system accepts given beliefs, the second questions beliefs to discover better ones.
Religion tells children to accept truth from authority. Science encourages children to question and discover. Religion provides a blanket of false security to wrap yourself into. Science is a road to discovery into the unknown.
Religion reasons only from what is accepted doctrine. Science uses doctrine as far as it appears to work. When it no longer works, or a better doctrine is found, they will adopt the new doctrine, and no doctrine is assumed immutable.
Unfortunately it often is not a choice. A white western person is unlikely to decide that Hindu religion is the right religion for them. That decision was made for them long before they developed critical thinking skills. And unfortunately, because they accepted a belief as immutable without proof, they lost the base that is necessary to develop critical thinking skills. And that is dangerous, because it makes religious people more vulnerable to false sources, false logic and thus to false arguments. These are the preferred techniques of demagogues who play on these fundamental, unshakeable beliefs to saw doubt and fear of those that do not subscribe to that same doctrine of explaining the world based on a set, immutable, belief-system. It is no coincidence that Trump uses the bible and a church as a photo-op during a BLM demonstration. Religion and racism coalescing in one photo. A photo made for the religious white voters, afraid of a changing world and wishing for a simpler world where white Christians considered themselves safe and superior.