If 1 million people buy into 2 companies and there is a chance of 1 in a million that a company becomes a unicorn, then, by pure statistics, every now and again some investor will become incredibly rich. One will have to be the richest of them all. That is not to say that it’s all luck, but suffice to say, that I have worked for a very succesful internet company despite it having the worst management I have come across. The company had the right financing at the right time in a new industry. Spotting the right company at the right time, ensuring that you own it, that you stay in power and combined with luck (favourable business environment) are the most important factors for success. The point made in the article is true: these factors do not coalesce into generalized 'genius’-status, and ‘fans of success’ should ask themselves why they need a ‘messiah’ like Musk (or orange Jesus for that matter).