I cannot say that I will be sad when I won’t be able to read your bitch-slapping articles about this psycho anymore. Too elated because that dumb low-life will be gone and your satire will have to be redirected. But I am sure you too will be elated to have to redress your satire.
I hope to not ever have to hear about this poor excuse for a multi-celled organism anymore. Nor do I ever want to see or hear about that ugly (ok that’s just my opinion), self-serving concubine of his, nor of his dumb, vindictive, sociopathic, sycophantic progeny, (exception madr for poor little Barron).
Speaking of lil Barron, I pray, well I would, if I thought that He who knows Everything would appreciate my consulting services, that all those good Americans will keep little Barron safe, because children are disappearing at an alarming rate. I know that because the Internet says so and the Media say it’s not true, therefore it must be true. Whem the Internet says so, it means that my in-depth research has uncovered the truth and not the Media with their manipulative agendas. By the way, just so you know, I wasn’t any good at school because they were trying to implant false ideas in me head, ideas that didn’t make sense to me. Now I know, thanks to Interweb, why I failed high school: I was two clevah!
Back to raping babies…More children have disappeared over the past 20 years than anyone thought possible. Those pedophile Democrats want us to believe that those children have grown up over the past 20 years and therefore are no longer children and that that’s the reason of their disappearance!
Ha! They are so wicked! But I am clever!
So the Media and the Dems want us to believe that time is making our children disappear instead of the Dems picking them off the streets so they can rape them in their Satanic cult! Btw the Twat in Chief only pretended to be friends with the Epstein’s so he would unmask that satanic kabbalah. Twat raped children so that he could infiltrate the Satanic Clinton cult without suspicion. Just so you know.
Finally the Day of Reckoning is coming! Patriotic Americans will rise up and act out their 2nd Amendment. Use their guns to shoot vampires for real in defence of the U.S.A., U.S.A! U.S.A.!
“Look hun! I am a Super Hero! I killed a pedophile! He said so himself: he was about to vote for Biden! I got him just in time! What’s more, the Twat in Chief said there’s a $10,000 bounty on each vampire heart, paid by Russia, or Mexico, or China!”
“Oh sweety, you are so my real Super Hero.”
Barron’s future is bright.