His other great achievement is that under him, the GOP has demonstrated to be all for authoritatianism if not fascism. Also, that the GOP does not stand for the Constitution (revolt is ok as long as it serves GOP interests), Law & Order (threats to democratically elected officials are ok, just not to GOP officials) nor tradition (President using his personal lawyer to by-pass government protocols).
The GOP stands for the interests of the rich and the powerful and they use the poor and the uneducated to become richer and more powerful. Their poor and their uneducated supporters know this and still vote for it.
When you convince the people who need health-care, education and housing the most, that it’s better for that money to go to the rich and powerful, then you’ve done a great political job (today, this equals to ‘con-job’ and we are ok with that).
Democrats, to gain power, now have to adopt large parts of this GOP way of thinking for fear of stigmatization as ‘socialists’ and losing voters (typically voters who would benefit from some socialist programs in health, education and job-protection).
The rich and powerful have increased their wealth massively under Trump, now it will be protected by the Democrats, thanks to Trump and his GOP having normalized far-right extremism.