Here you go. I just enjoy writing this for myself, so don’t worry, I am not trying to get my argument across to you ;). People can drink Chloroquinine or shine UV-radiation inside their body to kill a virus that also does not represent a problem whatsoever. Huh? That doesn’t make sense on any level, but it is seen as intelligent leadership by almost 50% of voters. Or be friends with pedophiles and then deny knowing them. Or say that you have the best doctors then say that you know better…ohhh dear me, I have already digressed. With a continuous shit-sling from the WH, it is nau impossible to stay on point.
This is true for the Courts too. If you don’t have a case just clog the courts with a deluge of silly claims. The WH walk of silly claims.
The Trump administration has thrown so much shit that we forget it. The brain cannot keep track of it, and as it is all BS we shouldn’t keep track of it. Waste of brain-power. Fish ‘n chips news. News one day the next day the fish ‘n chips wrapped in it. New BS launched from the WH BS channels: Twitter, Fox News, QAnon, AON. Classy. Intelligent.
What was your point, again? Oh yes ‘cutesy evidence’.
You are right. Who needs it? Fortunately YOU claim there EXISTS (non-cutesy?) evidence, and that claim must be taken seriously. You don’t show us all these oral testimonies, videos and affidavits. Just your claim that it exists. I accept that the evidence you claim exists and is true and pertinent to your claim. Done. Case closed. When cutesy judges ask Trump’s lawyers to present the evidence, they admitted that the dog just ate it all. All cases thrown out of Court. What’s wrong with them? Haven’t they seen that the claims come from the President’s own Twitter account? The claims even have MULTIPLE EXCLAMATION MARKS AND ARE IN ALL CAPS!!!
Enlightened Trump followers, or ‘suckers’ as Trump refers to them, just need a Trump-tweet to know the truths. He doesn’t claim to be a stable genius for nothing right? Claims with exclamation marks, no rationale and no evidence is a fail in 3rd grade elementary. But who runs 3rd grade elementary? That’s right the pedophiles from the radical left.
Fortunately 71 million think that failing 3rd grade elentary is impressive, makes for authenticity and therefore trustworthy CLAIMS!
America’s division is THE gift to Russia and China. Trump: Mission accomplished.
Maybe it’s a good time for Putin to exploit a cybersecurity attack 4 years in the making?