Great article, but I think your main premise cannot be substantiated (see further below).
In my personal experience I am often called a fence-sitter when I don’t take a side. I believe you must resist taking a side as long as possible and then, after you took a side, be conscientious that 'your side' is not perfect and that someday it maybe shown it was the wrong side. Many people characterize an inquiring mind, that resists making a 'simple choice' as 'Sitting on the fence’, trying to deride it for taking that 'third position’. “Just pick a team and root for it!” they say. And even when I have my team, that doesn’t blind me to their short-comings. If I utter those, then I have become a 'traitor’. Ahh, the pressures on the fence-sitter and the critical supporter.
Back to your central premise. Your article is well-reasoned, but, its central premise is, in my opinion flawed. The situation is not so clear cut as you say: “the Right fights cancel-culture and communism and the Left fights authoritarianism” (and fascism, i would say). This statement makes it seem as if the two 'fights' are both equally justified. They are not.
For starters, there is no concerted effort in America to establish communist rule. Having a power-hungry authoritarian (now ex-) President saying this, just doesn’t make it so. The Democratic Party, the so-called Left (in Holland, where I am from, it would be regarded as Centre-Right) represents the establishment, just like the GOP, except that they use reason and argument based in a belief that the role of government is to establish a framework so that more people can get an education and have health-care as a human right. Yet the Democratic party is as beholden to the establishment as is the GOP (just check their donor lists). In no shape or form are they promoting communism. The GOP has dropped its mask completely. They use emotion-triggering fallacies as argument. The establishment behind the GOP has decided that it is time for the authoritarian/fascist experiment. After all it works in Russia, China, North Korea, and many other democracies are experimenting with it (Brazil, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Belarussia to name a few). Authoritarianism is a simpler way to control the population (and thus cheaper for the established elite). BLM are not an extremist organisation. They are a movement that represents real issues in the population. They are exerting their democratic right to express their point of view. Antifa may be extremist, but, to be honest, I don’t even know if it exists.
MAGA, Proud Boys and the likes are armed and have demonstrated that they want, and possibly can, overthrow democratic institutions by force.
So to say that the Right is good because it fights communism, misses the fact that the Left is fighting communism too. The Left is also fighting authoritarianism/fascism, whilst he right is demonstrably promoting authoritarianism/fascism and cancelling every critical voice in their party (until they can do so nation-wide).