Free speech and why it shouldn’t be.
Who do you think you are that you can simply lie to my face? What? ‘Cause there ain’t no consequences? For you, you mean! Darn me, isn’t that why the Man invented religion? So that there will be consequences for you? For eternity!
Who do you think you are that you can amplify Trump’s lies for your own profit just because you can? Your hands are clean? You are just reporting? Really? You just publish whatever they pay you to publish? No, your hands are not clean. You promote lies for your own profit at the expense of others.
In an educated society you would lose against the competition that publishes real issues. In an educated society you don’t stand a chance because no-one is interested in lies. On the other hand, in an uneducated society it’s a Walhalla for the the manipulators who cash-in on dishing out false grievances that the uneducated and frustrated population is eager to lap up.
Trump was speaking the truth when he said “I love the uneducated”. He didn’t specify why he loves them. Obviously because they adore him no matter what he says or does. Because they don’t understand that voting for Trump or the GOP means voting to hand more power to the Elite. That they vote against their own interests. He sells them $400 sneakers and $60 bibles that no educated person would buy.
In an uneducated society I lie to you and you and society at large will believe the lie if it feels good. I walk away with the profit. You pay the price with your money, health and liberty. You will still be happy because your Party won and so you continue to support your fascist government that enslaves you until you are completely silenced and obedient. Living under Stalin/Hitler/Mao/Kim Jong-Un sounds good to you? Vote for a wannabe dictator. Vote for fascism. Vote for Trump. Vote for the GOP. Support Maga. Buy golden sneakers or Trump Bibles.
Who loves the uneducated? Trump and the GOP.
This is the price of today’s media businessmodel in an ever-more uneducated society.
Lies are juicy. People like juicy. People click on lies. Clicks = $$. Media promotes more lies. Liars and Media make money. The uneducated masses absorb lies and advertisements. Truth is boring and doesn’t make enough money.
“Climate Change is a hoax!”. Let’s vote against changing our use of energy to a sustainable level because the ones promoting this claim are sponsored by the … wait for it… the Energy sector. Duh!
The ones promoting that Climate Action is necessary are scientists and researchers. Are they honest? Maybe not. So how do we keep this science in check so that scientists do not cheat? Scientists progress in their careers if they find mistakes in science, or if they find better data, processes or what have you. It only takes one scientist to scientifically prove that Climate Change is not man-made to de-bunk Climate science. So far the Climate Change de-bunkers have lost all their claims: from “Yes the Climate is changing: it’s getting colder!” to “Ok, it may be getting warmer but it’s not our fault” and even “Ok, have it your way: it is warming and we may or may not be the cause, but we can’t do anything against it anymore” [and leaving out the “because we have succesfully derailed every initiative to restrict carbon output”]. Who are the winners from divulging this claim? 1. Big Oil&Gas; 2. Shareholders of Big Oil&Gas; 3. Politicians sponsored by Big Oil&Gas; 4. The Establishment i.e. those who want to keep things as they are (because they put it in place) — read: the Elite (or some say: the “Deep-state”. Yeah right an ill-defined abstraction that’s helpful; the FBI? the CIA? Really? Without the billionaires and their political minions, Democrats and Republicans, directing?).
The so-called Climate-skeptics haven’t been able to prove a single claim. Just like Trump c.s. haven’t proven a single election-claim in court.
Does that stop them? Not at all. They know that truth can always be denied to a cult-following. “Is there anything that Trump could do to lose your vote?” answer: “No” or “He is my President, always will be, no matter what he does”. He can apparently shoot someone on Fifth Av. and they will vote for him. He can kill babies too, because as they say: they will vote for him no matter what he does. And let’s face it. The same logic holds for the pro-life bible-bashing maga-supporters: “The Bible must be tought in school!” but they do not want texts about two daughters having sex with their father taught in school (Genesis 9:16) for example. “We are absolutely pro-life because the bible says so” but how must they squirm when Abraham was rewarded for obeying to kill his son, the Israelites to kill all the amalekites including killing women, infants and ripping open their pregnant women (do your own research because you don’t trust sources and attributions ;) ) And no they won’t squirm, they simply that somethong bad is good when the source is their team. We all do that, but most of us have our limits. The GOP not so much.
So yes Patriotic, Bible-loving, Family-First, Law-and-Order Republicans want someone in charge who
- prefers to deal with Putin’s banks than with american banks,
- who doesn’t believe in the Constitution, nor in democracy (and rightfully so: in his eyes and in the eyes of the Elite democracy is messy and inefficient!)
- who supports anti-american dictators Putin, Xi, Kim Jong-Un and the Saoudis (and rightfully so: much more efficient and benefitting the ones in power even more)
- who uses christianity as a fund-raising mechanism (nothing new here, but making the Bible a personal fund-raiser is a real beauty, so blatantly showing the gullibioty of his supporters)
- who has a sexual affair whilst his wife is delivering a baby (this certainly reflects biblical values , but not the so-called Family-values, you know the ones that these evangelical shouters profess to adhere to but never do)
- who uses gangs to intimidate and provide security for the rich and powerful
- who uses power, money and threats (free speech!) to wear down the justice system
- who has the elite to support him because he has a devoted following that is easy to manipulate and ready for violence where and when needed; the test-run was January 6.
Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube…. media platforms that publish and promote whatever viewers click on. For each lie there is an audience: Anti-trans? “be angry! All schools want all children to become trans!, ”If we do not shoot school-teachers who speak about sexuality then our children will become trans!”, “We must stop forced transitions!” Who wins? “Stop Biden and his thugs!”, “Stop the Democrats or you will no longer have a country!”, “Biden has created a communist country where a loaf of bread costs 8$!”, “If you don’t stop Penn the election will be stolen!”, “March peacefully to the Capitol and fight like hell or you won’t have a country left!”, and let’s not forget: “The school-system is run by communists!”, because: “They teach kids how to transition to the oposite sex!”.
Now that the Elite has been successful in hollowing out the education standards and the levels in the West have crashed whilst they are going from strength to strength in the East (see China, Vietnam, S. Korea, Singapore, …), now that Free Speech has no boundaries and companies have the same Free Speech rights without consequences as humans, now the Elite has reached its goal to control the uneducated masses: feed them lies long enough and they will believe it. Throw them a bone (“Deep state” anyone?) and it will become their go-to answer.
The GOP has always been on the easy side of politics: just give those in power what they want and feed lies to the voters. It’s a darn bit easier to convince the uneducated of a juicy lie than it is to convince the educated of changing their assumptions, information, reasoning and conclusions.
If I were in it for myself I would be on the GOP-side too: easy money from the rich, do their bidding, have a sales and marketing goon to spread lies to my constituents. Easy peasy.
All completely legal. Lying is my right. It’s in the Constitution!
We don’t need no education? Yes we do, but we don’t need thought control.
We do need education in how to use the tools of reasoning.
The GOP has been successful in keeping reasoning out of the curriculum.
Don’t teach them how to reason.
The GOP has done an outstanding job. It’s support is double that of what Hitler had when he took over (via mostly democratic means).
The reality is that if society is uneducated in the tools of reasoning then they must be shielded from lies. We do this by making the telling of lies and the promoting of lies an offense. At the same time: can we make the tools of reasoning the most important subject in the education system (and not only in private schools!)?