But it wasn’t my fault…..
I asked the question in my story on Brexit’s anniversary: “How good did that feel? Let’s take back control! Independence from European bureaucrats! Making Britain Great Again! We will halt immigration! More jobs for the British! Getting rid of European red tape!British economy unleashed! And then the clincher: We are paying the EU 350,000,000 pound per week which we can invest in the NHS. Vote “LEAVE”!¨
Yup! None of these claims, were true (duh!) and none have come to fruition (duh! duh!). But that’s politics. About 50% vote for what they want to hear. Not for what’s good for them. Like kids with candy. At the time Farage setup a party with the specific goal to use the stupidity of the people (remember 50% has an IQ below 100), whilst providing an in-your-face platform for oportunistic political careers, a platform the so called ‘Conservatives’ jumped on (without asking themselves what is so conservative about throwing out a system that has been built over decades and has strong benefits).
Now that even the silly LEAVE-voters, who followed Farage’s absurd claims like sheep recognize the Brexit failure, Farage feels that it is time to blame, surprise surprise, not himself, but the Conservative party that implemented his idiotic scheme.
To reach the top of the mountain, one needs to do a lot of hard work. Farage just presented a series of false claims to make it look like the top could be reached by sliding down a hill. Just vote LEAVE and you will be rich.
The philosophy, much like Trump’s, is simple. Make an absurd claim that makes the other side look stupid, then whilst the other side uses facts and reason to dismiss the claims, use some other absurd claim. It has worked for Trump to get elected, it works for Putin to claim that all evil comes from the US and it has worked for Farage/Johnson.
It is easy to make false claims. It is hard to disprove them. It keeps the other side busy. Moreover the below- 100 IQs don’t care so much about facts and reason and neither do the elite who see an opportunity to enrich themselves at the expense of the population. If it all goes to shit? No skin of Farage’s nose, neither of Johnson’s and his elite supporters. These supporters won’t admit for a long time that they have been had by a group of con-artists.
But the road to hell is paved with gold.
The costs that the UK has made to extricate itself from the EU (not counting the costs incurred by the EU itself) and the continuing additional costs, are throwing the UK back a decade or two.
Boris Johnson should not have been sent home because of his ‘rules apply to the people, not to us, the elite’-scandals, but for staking his political career on lying to the people in order to become Prime Minister.
Strangely enough, lying to the people whilst seeking higher public office, does not qualify as criminal conduct. Now you try to lie to the government and see what happens.
In short the government holds us accountable, but the only accountability the public officers have is that they may be sent home with a nice pension, speaking engagements, lobyying jobs and directorships. Not that different from the directors of the banks who take great risks with other people’s money. If the bet goes wrong they get a big bonus. It goes well they get a bigger bonus.
Yes, Johnson eventually lost his Prime Ministership, but boy is he sitting pretty. A lifelong pension, speaking engagements, business consultancies, lobbying engagements. He’s set for life. The UK will be paying the price for decades to come. If it were just those losers who voted LEAVE, that would be one thing, but it’s also the hard-working conscious people, who knew that this whole Brexit-campaign was BS from the start who pay the price, as will their children.
The big instigator? Farrage thinks the time is now right to say that Brexit has been a mistake….but only because the Government fucked up.
Maybe the government should hire him to do Brexit all over again, but this time the correct way, because, clearly, only Farage can do that.