Derek, I find your article very good and enlightening. It deals with election fraud claims in a systemic manner and dismantles them quite thoroughly.
I also believe that Igor makes some good arguments as he highlights some of the weaker parts in your arguments. That doesn’t make Igor’s arguments true, nor may they not falsify yours. Igor’s arguments appear to have some merit and I don’t understand why you regard all of them, bar those re. Claim 2, as whining. Btw, I see some weaknesses in his arguments too, but hey, that doesn’t warrant that they be disqualified out of hand, not?
In any case, I believe, based on no evidence, that the people focusing on a few errors and/or unsupported claims such as those you de-bunk, will not read your article, nor Igor’s response. People who ‘forward’ outrageous claims without a minimum of due diligence are just not the kind of people who try to understand complex issues.
The reality is that the Dereks and Igors of this world, are the exception in the vast sea of voters who don’t know that it’s the fishermen who gain from throwing the bait in the water. Once hooked, the voter will not let go and their arguments will only serve to justify their initial ‘decision’ to take the bait.
We will argue that we were right to take the bait even whilst we are being skinned alive and made into delicious sushi for those who can afford it.