A fresh way of putting it Tamara. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I had to smile reading your article 🤪
The counter-non-argument will certainly be: “if you don’t like it, why don’t you get out?”. No examining reasons, causes, validity, objectives and above all: do not dare to criticize to make the country better! Simply: if you don’t like it: f&#k off.
It demonstrates the level of thinking, then again what to expect from frustrated patriots, miracle-awaiting religious fanatics, bikies with guns and flags, white supremacists, conspiracy-addicts and people who hate democrats simply because that’s what they have always done.
The right now depends on the extreme right for survival, and they will go all the way. We have seen nothing yet!
The right has been completely radicalized and let’s face it: they are aching to use their guns. The radicals believe that they are patriots and that democrats have the sole objective to destroy America. They will see it as their reason to use their weapons for the flag. It doesn’t hurt that with guns they will also feel that they have a purpose and some control over others rather than the other way round.
Russia and their troll Trump have done great, considering that under Obama America had 8 years of steady growth and no crises. How they turned that around with the help of a large chunk of poor thinking voters and self-serving politicians is a masterclass in political demagoguery. It also demonstrates that the American system is broken and that people have no ability to think for themselves.
btw not that I think the corporate-big-money-appeasing Democrats are the solution either. When a system is f&#ked…