A few comments:
What does it say about America and its democratic institutions that the President can override each and every institution at will and the best that America can do is provide commentary?
If the President decides to take full authority and throw his opponents in jail, or kill them, or throw them to the lions in a reality t.v. show, all that this Greatest Nation on Earth can do with its mighty democracy is sit at the sidelines and provide commentary. Until the President decides that there is only 1 news provider to provide the commentary. Guess where the old media-staff end up? Hunger Games?
Thanks to Trump we can see clearly, how weak and fickle this Great American Democracy really is. Even as he is wagging the dog, the American institutions cannot stop him (or don’t want to).
You claim that Trump is doing this because he is asking for Putin’s help (more likely the other way round, in which case he would be telling Trump what to do). But what evidence do you have to support your claim?
In the end, what you provide are just words. They may be sincere, but they are just words.
Another example of America’s weakness is the choice that Americans have: the best alternative to the current President is a 78 year old career-politician who has demonstrated to have weak principles and who is campaining on a ‘fear of Trump’-ticket. A recipe for disaster: a great portion of the American public has already expressed in 2016 that they don’t want the political apparatchick to dictate their lives. And what does this great democracy come up with as the best alternative?
Btw, I hope that you are prepared for the very real possibility of there not being an election at all and for Congress to be dismantled (it has no power anyway so it doesn’t matter).
Also, Paul Kevin Paar’s comment is spot on: a position should be filled by a person with demonstrated COMPETENCY rather than experience. But we understand that you care more about experience 😉.