Yes. A dimwit is President and he happens to be as dumb as the average racist-, uneducated-, antivaxer-, flat-earther, democrats-are-satan-worshipping-canibalistic-pedophile evangelist. And he believes only partially in any of these conspiracies.
If you have 10,000 very rich dimwits then, statistically, eventually one becomes president. When the dimwit continuously re-enforces his own dumb beliefs, the dimwits who believe any or all of these conspiracies follow. Fortunately this presidential dimwit is so dumb and incapable that he can’t tie his own shoe-laces or finalize a coup when it is presented to him.
The worry in the trst of the world that the US massively votes for a racist, bigotted, sexist narcissist who trusts Putin above the CIA, continues unabated.